墨尔本买家中介JL Property

联系人: JL Property

微信号: JLbuyers

手机: 0419 748 826

邮箱: EA@JLbuyersagent.com.au

地址: Suite 12/17 Carrington Road, Box Hill 3128, VIC


Jiggle 自住房买家

发布时间:2023-09-12 10:58:35点击:0

I consider myself lucky to have worked with Jenny to buy my first house. 

I had a Zoom meeting with Jenny and I knew that she would be my buyer's agent. Along our journey I have not, for one second, doubted Jenny's expertise and professional judgement. She was calm, objective and provided us a lot of helpful advice. 

Thank you, Jenny, for all your hard work. I will 100% recommend Jenny to my friends and if I buy another property in future I will definitely go to her. :)

(Jiggle, Google Review)





感谢Jenny的辛勤工作。我会百分之百地向我的朋友们推荐Jenny,如果将来我再次购买房产,我一定会再次找她。 :)
