墨尔本买家中介JL Property

联系人: JL Property

微信号: JLbuyers

手机: 0419 748 826

邮箱: EA@JLbuyersagent.com.au

地址: Suite 12/17 Carrington Road, Box Hill 3128, VIC


Ivy 自住房买家

发布时间:2023-09-12 12:02:06点击:0

As first-time homebuyers, we had limited knowledge of the property market and were pressed for time due to our work. This made us anxious about missing out on good opportunities and uncertain about finding the right home. That’s why we turned to a buyer’s agent, choosing the one who showed expertise and personality that we trusted the most. With Jenny, the process was surprisingly swift. After a few in-depth discussions which helped us confirmed what we really wanted AND needed, she quickly presented us with a list of recommended options. An ideal property stood out from the list after we went thru inspection ourselves. The auction was in just one week - And in just a week, she managed to conduct thorough due diligence, arrange work and appointments with lawyer and building inspector, keep us on track and had a few more meetings with us to ensure that the house did fit our situation. With her support and guidance, together, the joint decision was made two days before the auction day that this property was a promising one and we should give it a go - plus, the fact that we have got plan B/C/D following even if we didn’t win the auction made us mentally prepared. On the auction day, Jenny not only won but also secured the house at a lower price than expected. This is astonishing - we were literally just at the third/forth week of our house hunting journey, and we knew that this would never had happened should we decided to do everything ourselves. To me, the most valuable part Jenny brought to us was more than her expertise and dedication - you know when you try to buy your first home, how much new information you will have to gather, filter, learn, analyze and how overwhelmed the process can be. You got lost easily and you don’t know whether or not you’re making the right decision. The mental effect you get from knowing that you have someone who knew things in and out, who you can trust and rely on, and who will sort things out for you in a clean and orderly manner, is, indeed, massive. I would highly recommend Jenny to anyone who gets similar feelings when buying your first home. At least have a call with a buyers agent like Jenny. You will know whether or not this is for you. If it does, it worth every penny you spend.

(Ivy, Google Review)



和Jenny整个合作过程出奇的顺利。在几次深入的讨论后,Jenny帮助我们确认了我们真正想要和需要的东西,并迅速为我们提供了一份推荐房源的列表。在我们亲自进行检查后,一处理想的房子从列表中脱颖而出。拍卖将在仅仅一周后举行 - 仅仅在一周内,她成功地进行了彻底的尽职调查,安排了律师和建筑检查师的配合工作,推动工作进展,并与我们反复开会讨论,以确保这套房子适合我们的情况。在她的支持和指导下,我们在拍卖前两天共同确认,这个是我们想要的房子,并且我们应该去争取 - 此外,即使我们没有赢得拍卖,我们也制定了B/C/D计划,这让我们在心理上有所准备。


在拍卖当天,Jenny不仅赢得了拍卖,还以低于预期价格的买到了这套房子。这真是令人惊讶 - 我们实际上只是在购房之旅的第三/第四周。如果是我们的话,这是不可能发生的。


对我来说,Jenny为我们带来的最有价值的部分不仅仅是她的专业知识和投入 -当你尝试购买第一套房子时,你将不得不收集、过滤、学习、分析多少新信息,以及整个过程有多么令人不知所措。你很容易迷失方向,不知道自己是否在做出正确的决策。当你知道有一个人了解所有内外情况,你可以信任和依赖,并且会以清晰的方式为你整理事务时,你从中获得的心理效益是真正巨大的。



