墨尔本买家中介JL Property

联系人: JL Property

微信号: JLbuyers

手机: 0419 748 826

邮箱: EA@JLbuyersagent.com.au

地址: Suite 12/17 Carrington Road, Box Hill 3128, VIC


Jimmy 自住房买家

发布时间:2023-07-20 09:50:51点击:0

I recently had the pleasure of working with Jenny as my buyer agent, and I cannot recommend her enough. Here's why Jenny deserves a more-than-five-stars for her exceptional service:

- Going Above and Beyond:
Jenny's proactive approach was evident from day one. She took the time to understand my preferences and priorities, ensuring that every property we presented aligned with my needs. Jenny went the extra mile by personally visiting potential properties to provide detailed reports, saving me time and effort. Jenny took it upon herself to gather information about nearby schools, amenities, and transportation option, and even tested the travel time on trams in early morning to make sure the property meets our schooling requirements. This level of dedication made me feel confident that she had my best interests at heart.

- Impressive Qualifications:
Jenny's educational background is truly impressive. Her Doctorate degree in IT and qualifications in Property Services give her a unique advantage in the real estate industry. She leverages her technical expertise to analyze market trends, property values, and investment potential, providing me with invaluable insights to make informed decisions.
During our discussions, Jenny's knowledge and ability to explain complex concepts in a simple manner stood out. She effortlessly combined her IT background with her property expertise, offering a comprehensive understanding of the market.

- Friendly and Timely Communication:
Jenny's friendly and approachable nature created a comfortable working relationship. She promptly responded to my inquiries and I never felt hesitant to reach out to her with questions or concerns, as I knew I would receive a timely and informative response. Her willingness to communicate effectively contributed to a smooth and transparent transaction.

- Years of Experience:
With years of experience in the real estate market, Jenny brought a wealth of industry knowledge to the table. She demonstrated a deep understanding of the local market trends, property values, and emerging neighborhoods.
During our search, Jenny's experience became evident when she pointed out potential red flags in a property that initially caught my eye. She provided valuable insights into the property's condition, future maintenance costs, and potential resale value. Thanks to her expertise, I avoided making a hasty decision that could have resulted in future complications.

- Trustworthy Guidance:
Jenny's honesty and integrity were exemplary throughout our journey. She prioritized my long-term satisfaction over a quick sale, advising me against properties that didn't align with my goals. Jenny consistently provided transparent information, highlighting both the positives and negatives of each options.

Working with Jenny as my buyer agent was an enlightening and rewarding experience. Her proactive nature, exceptional qualifications, friendly demeanor, extensive experience, and trustworthy guidance made the entire process seamless and enjoyable. I wholeheartedly recommend Jenny to anyone seeking a dedicated and knowledgeable buyer agent.

Jenny, thank you for your outstanding service and for making my property search a success. Your expertise and personal touch have made a lasting impression, and I will definitely turn to you for any future real estate endeavors.

(Jimmy, Google Review)



  • 超越期望: 从一开始,Jenny就展现出积极主动的工作态度。她花时间了解我的偏好和优先事项,确保我们提供的每个房产都符合我的需求。Jenny不辞辛苦,亲自前往潜在房产进行详细考察,并提供详尽的报告,为我节省了时间和精力。她还主动收集附近学校、便利设施和交通选择的信息,并甚至测试清晨乘坐电车的行程时间,以确保房产符合我们对学校的要求。这种专业投入让我深信她始终将我的最佳利益放在心上。

  • 令人印象深刻的资历: Jenny的教育背景实在令人瞩目。她拥有信息技术博士学位,并且在房地产服务领域拥有专业资质,这使她在房地产行业中具有独特的优势。她善于运用自己的技术专业知识分析市场趋势、房产价值和投资潜力,为我提供了宝贵的见解,帮助我做出明智的决策。 在我们的交流中,Jenny展现出高超的知识水平,并能用简单的方式解释复杂的概念。她巧妙地将信息技术背景与房地产专业知识相结合,为我提供了全面的市场了解。

  • 友好及时的沟通: Jenny友好可亲的性格让我们之间建立了舒适的工作关系。她及时回复我的问题,我从未犹豫过向她寻求帮助或咨询,因为我知道我会得到及时而有益的回复。她乐于有效地沟通,为交易过程增添了顺利和透明的元素。

  • 多年经验: 凭借多年在房地产市场的经验,Jenny为我们带来了丰富的行业知识。她展现了对当地市场趋势、房产价值和新兴社区的深刻理解。 在我们的搜索过程中,Jenny的经验在发现一处起初吸引我注意的房产时变得显而易见。她提供了有价值的见解,包括房产的状况、未来的维护成本和潜在的转售价值。得益于她的专业知识,我避免了草率决策,避免了未来可能出现的问题。

  • 值得信赖的指导: Jenny在我们的合作过程中展现出了令人称赞的诚实和正直。她将我的长期满意度置于快速成交之上,并建议我避开与我的目标不符的房产。Jenny始终提供透明的信息,突出了每个选项的优点和缺点。


